Gone Fishin'

Friday, May 26, 2006

Just a little update

As I left Vancouver over the Lions Gate bridge I took this photo of downtown.

I made Sechelt, north of Vancouver about 40 miles, yesterday evening sort of late, and found a hostel with a great kitchen. Enough time for a shower a run to the grocery and to bed around 12. The first day of biking was tiring for sure. I am a little out of shape as its been so hectic the last month or so I really have had much time in the saddle. Not to mention the 40-50 lbs of gear I am carrying. I am sore this morning but not in a bad way.

Yesterday's bike ride had a nice break in the middles as a 45 minute ferry ride took me across the Howe Sound. The scenery was breathtaking as you can see.
It would be hard to describe the beauty in words but I can only imagine it will be akin to sailing the inside passage up to Alaska. Snow tipped peaks in the coastal range to the west and countless tree covered islands with the occasional private estate nestled on the beach.

After the ferry it was highway cycling on the Canadian 101 which had a relatively unrelenting stream of traffic. I think the stress of riding that close to speeding cars all day was more tiring than the numerous hills. I am anxious to make Saltery Bay where I am told the traffic will dwindle to nothing.

I am staying at the UpperDeck Hostel in Sechelt where this photo was taken off the back deck.

Unfortunately this computer running windows 98 won't let me upload any photos, but I am anxious to be on the road anyway. Hopefully I will find another place to use the internet before I make camp this evening. (I am now posting photos several days later). This last shot is of my loaded bike before heading out towards Saltery Bay.


At 1:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.


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